Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Codes of Test


A group of medical student discus how to answer the multiple choice test tomorrow. Because they feel that test is very difficult and they don’t study then they agree to cheat to the student who is cleverest in the class. The cleverest student is agree too. They plan to make a code to facilitate the test tomorrow.

A, if the cleverest student holds his nose,

B, if the cleverest student holds his mouth,

C, if the cleverest student holds his shoulder,

D, if the cleverest student touches his chest.

The next day, the test begins. The cleverest student is placed in the middle and the other student travels around him while hoping for the answer from the cleverest student. The seconds, the minutes, the hours then passes. The students observe their cleverest friend ….. “holds the shoulder, then scratch, holds the nose from time to time sneeze, holds the chest afterwards scratch, holds the mouth afterwards scratch his chest”. the test ends.

Afterwards The students ask to him, “Are we succes? “.the cleverest student answer,”I’m very sorry my friends, last night I ate prawns, and when the examination my body is very itchy all suddenly, may be I get prawns allergy ….”

“So that codes.……?!?!”
“Sorry, I feel itchy, want to scratch,” answer the cleverest student.

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